EEX Whey Powder (Frankfurt, DE)

Price quotation Price determination in EUR per ton
Kontraktgröße / Contract Unit
5 metric tons

Historical closing prices

ZMP Market assessment

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Milch News, 04/11/2024 Market Assessment
  • Milk quantity below previous year’s level
  • low cheese stocks
  • End of fasting month of Ramadan
  • international competitiveness mostly restored
  • seasonal milk yield development
  • Reluctance to buy skimmed milk powder
  • Red Sea situation
ZMP Market Report Compact

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Jan 01 GDT auction with +1.2% Market Report Compact

Jan 1st GDT auction starts the new year 2024 with +1.2%. Whole milk powder (VMP) (around 50% auction share) continues the price increase of the two previous auctions with an average of +2.5%. Surcharges were implemented for all delivery months. China, as the main buyer, has made a stronger appearance on the market again. The VMP price level is at…


USDA: low growth in global milk production in 2024 In its half-yearly December issue, the US Department of Agriculture published its new assessment of global milk production development in 2024 . The overall result represents a comparatively small increase of +0.4% compared to the previous year. However, the results vary in the individual…

Dec. 2 GDT auction with +2.3% Market Report Compact

GDT auction in December 2023: +2.3% The second December 2023 auction of Global Dairy Trade (GDT) saw a further price increase with an average of +2.3%. Regular butter with above-average markups makes a significant contribution to this. At 27,379 t, the auction volume continues to decline noticeably due to the season. Whole milk powder (VMP) (around…


GDT auction in December 2023: +1.6%% The first December 2023 auction of Global Dairy Trade (GDT) set a positive tone with an average of +1.6%. There were price increases for the majority of delivery dates, but particularly in the milk powder sector. China demand was once again the deciding factor. The auction volume fell noticeably at 29,559 t…

Nov 2-23 GDT Auction Market Report Compact

GDT auction in November 2023: 0.0% The second November 2023 auction of Global Dairy Trade (GDT) has temporarily interrupted a further price decline from the previous auction with an average of -0.0%. The decisive factor was the price increases for whole milk powder with its high auction share. China demand was the decisive factor. At 34,111 t, the…


GDT auction in November 2023: -0.7% The first November 2023 auction of Global Dairy Trade (GDT) has temporarily interrupted the price rise of the previous auctions with an average of -0.7%. The decisive factor was the price cuts for whole milk powder due to the more than 50% auction share. The declining demand from China was the decisive factor. At…

Press review

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Even though there are still three months left in the 2023/24 marketing year, most of the focus is on next year’s crop. Most of last year’s crop has already been sold but some farmers are still holding old-crop supplies that...


The USDA has trimmed its 2023-24 US corn ending stocks estimate from last month amid heavier ethanol and feed demand. In its latest monthly supply-demand estimates Thursday, the USDA pegged ending stocks at 2.122 billion bu, down 50 million from...


Monika Wohlfarth does not expect milk prices to rise sharply this year. The current utilization rates do not allow for this, she said at the Berlin Milk Forum.

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Denominierung / Currency
Euro (€)
Minimale Preisveränderung / Minimum Price Fluctuation
Minimum price change is 1 EUR per ton.
Fälligkeiten / Maturities
A maximum of the following maturities can be traded on the EEX: The maturities of the current and the next 18 consecutive calendar months.
Handelszeiten / Trading Hours

08:45 - 18:00 (CET) last trading day until 12:00 CET
Exchange Trading: 08:55 - 18:00 (CET); last trading day until 12:00 CET

Letzter Handelstag / Last trading day
The last Wednesday of the maturity month (if no trading day, the last trading day is the previous trading day) In the maturity month of December, the third Wednesday of the month (if no trading day, the last trading day is the previous trading day).
Erfüllung / Settlement
Cash settlement, difference between the final settlement price and the settlement price of the previous trading day
Schlussabrechnungspreis / Final Settlement Price
Status of the relevant EEX Monthly European Whey Powder Index on the last trading day 19:00 CET
Stand / Last updated

As a subsidiary of Eurex in Eschborn, EEX offers financially settled futures contracts on dairy products and processing potatoes for clearing in the agricultural sector. There is no possibility of physical settlement on the EEX.

All products are settled financially at maturity (cash settlement). Reference prices that adequately reflect the value of the traded products are used for this purpose. These price indices also increase market transparency in the futures contracts.

Whey powder is obtained from whey. Whey is a by-product of cheese production. Whey is available as sweet whey powder or sour whey powder. Whey powder contains around 11 % protein and 70 % lactose.[3] The processes used for dehydration are divided into spray drying and roller drying. During dehydration, the milk loses some of its vitamins.

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