Reuters DataLink Data Symbole: Änderung am 01.10.07
October 1, 2007 European Reuters DataLink Data Symbol Changes: ACTION REQUIRED
Dear valued client:
On October 1, 2007, the symbols for approximately 4,000 European securities will change. This is to ensure that Reuters data is compliant with the MiFID (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) legislation deadline of November 1, 2007. Click here to learn more about MiFID:
The symbol change will affect approximately 4,000 Reuters DataLink European securities in both of the Reuters DataLink European and All Regions data packages. All customers currently subscribing to either of these data packages will be impacted by this change. Please click here to see a list of the affected symbols:
How will this impact MetaStock & The DownLoader?
All of the affected symbols in the symbol database and local data files will no longer be valid, and will require the software to be updated.
What do I need to do to update my software?
Please read through the entire instructions before updating your software.
If you have saved charts and layouts that you’ve decided should be updated, please go through the “Fixing Your Saved Layouts or Charts” steps prior to running the local data file utility. Once the local data file utility has been run, all layouts or charts with the affected RICs can only be manually recreated.
WARNING: running the local data file utility prior to Oct 1, 2007 will prevent you from being able to collect data on the affected symbols until the data feed change goes into effect on Oct 1st. Therefore you should NOT apply the update until you’ve finished collecting data prior to October 1st.
Instructions for Fixing Your Local Data Files:
To update your local data files you will need to download and run the Reuters DataLink Local Data Utility. This Utility will search through your local data files for instances of the impacted symbols and update them accordingly. Note: If you are not using MetaStock local data files, you can disregard this step and proceed with step 2.
STEP 1: Running the Local Data Utility
1. Download the Local Data Utility. Click HERE to download the utility:
When the File Download dialog appears, click “Save” and save the file to your Windows Desktop.
After the download has completed, locate the saved file and double-click it to run the self extractor.
Specify the folder to extract into and extract the files.
2. DO NOT RUN the utility until you’ve completed collecting local data on September 30th, but DO RUN the utility prior to collecting your data for the first time on or after October 1st. When run, the Local Data Utility will search through your local data files for instances of the impacted symbols and update them accordingly.
Locate the folder specified in step 1c.
Double-click “Symbol Changer.exe” file to run the utility.
Specify the location of your MetaStock local data files.
Click Change Symbols.
When the utility has completed click Close.
STEP 2: Updating Your Symbol Database
For MetaStock and DownLoader versions 10.x
** DO NOT update your symbol database before October 1st. DO update your symbol database BEFORE you collect data or open a chart on or after October 1st.**
Open MetaStock
Click Tools, then select Update Symbol Database
Restart MetaStock
You should now be set to start collecting data as normal on October 1st.
For MetaStock and DownLoader versions prior to 10.x
Updated European symbol files will be available for download on October 2nd from our Support Symbol Files site. To access this site click here:
Instructions for Fixing Your Saved Layouts, Charts or Favorites:
Due to the nature of the symbol being the key attribute of a data file, any existing links to an affected symbol will be broken when the symbol changes. The following areas may be affected:
Existing Layouts
Existing Charts
Data on Demand Smart Charts
The local data file utility will not be able to change the symbols associated with the above files, therefore they will continue to reference the old symbol and must be recreated against the new symbols. There are two options available for the user:
Option 1:
After the symbols have been updated manually recreate your layouts, charts, and Smart Charts.
Option 2:
Use MetaStock’s Template functionality to assist the creation process with the following steps:
1. Prior to running the local data file utility, open the affected layout, chart, or Smart Chart:
Click: File|Save As
Change the “Save As Type” field to “template”
Enter a name for the template
Click Save.
Repeat this for all of your affected layouts, favorites, charts, and smartcharts.
2. After all of the desired templates are saved run the data file utility to update your data with the new symbols
3. Open a chart with the new symbol and apply the saved template that correlates to that particular symbol.
4. Save the new layout, chart, or Smart Chart.
Instructions for Updating Your Existing System Test and Exploration Security Lists:
Open the applicable system test or exploration.
Run through the system test or exploration as you normally would until you get to the “Add Securities” dialog.
In the “Add Securities” dialog, remove the reference to the old symbol.
Add in the updated symbol.
Continue through the normal steps of the system test or exploration.
· What if I choose not to update my software?
If you choose to not update your software, beginning October 1, 2007 you will be unable to collect data on these securities until the updates are made. Messages will be sent through your Reuters DataLink account alerting you of the symbol changes. These messages will be sent for up to 90 days or until you’ve updated the symbol.
· What if I’m unable to run the utility on October 1, 2007?
If you cannot run the utility before you collect data on October 1st (or thereafter), you will get a message saying “no data received” because the old symbol will no longer get data. To fix the problem, just run through the steps above and your symbols will be updated.
· What if I continue using my existing layouts or charts?
If you continue to use your existing layouts or charts, beginning October 1, 2007, they will not be able to collect data beyond September 30, 2007. You will need to recreate them using the new symbols.
If you have additional questions or need assistance with this, you may contact our support team at +1 (801) 265-9998.