The speculators on the Chicago wheat get increasingly off the net short positions. The net short positions to 11.763 contracts on now 31.517 NET short positions were reduced in the reporting week to the 04.11.2014. The stock market courses in Chicago and Paris are consequently increased at the same time. The current USDA figures estimate no changes at the end wheat stocks compared to the previous month. The closing stock-plus of 192 million tonnes of stabilised from month to month and can also expect the WJ 2014/15 wheat surpluses. All in all there are sound grounds for sustainable price increases.
Also at the Chicago corn increases the mood of buyers of contracts. In the reporting week to the 04.11.2014, the net-long positions to 21.885 contracts raised total 163.675 net long positions. If the buyer's mood remains is to wait. At the today's USDA numbers from November 2014 the worldwide estimated closing inventories by 3 million tonnes have soared to 2014/15 total 229 million tonnes in the WJ. The "whopping" surplus is certainly no grist to the mill of rising rates.