MARS: climate data for agriculture in Europe
The agro-meteorological Institute at the EU Commission MARS turns out especially the development of the hardiness of the cereal crops and the development of precipitation in its monthly release.
The frost resistance of winter crops is still absent in the Western and Central Europe. The plants show signs of termination of dormancy with first steps of growth. A possible frosts could therefore have devastating consequences. However, the probability is considered until end of February as extremely low.
Greater attention is brought to rainfall conditions contrary to. For a number of regions, the winter moisture is essential for water replenishment capacity of soils in the coming growing season.
By Early Jan to mid Feb. have fallen in large parts of the UK, rich rainfall of more than 200 mm France, Northern Spain and the Western parts of Germany. However, the rainfall in East Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania and Bulgaria are at the same time only 40 to 60 mm. In just these areas on a sufficient soil moisture are instructed.
In the North African Maghreb States it has during the period from Dec. 15 until mid Feb-16 dry damage in winter crops output. The rainfall was mostly less than 40 mm. Crop failure is expected, especially since the harvesting period begins in May.
In the short term forecast until the end of the month Feb-2016, the agro-meteorological Institute assumes that almost in all Europe above average rainfall expected are long-term averages.
The exceptions are large parts of Spain, the Ukraine and the southern regions of Russia. In particular the winter crops badly damaged already by autumn drought in the Ukraine and in the South District of Russia are to be used again affected. Winter crops with less than 30% as well only be judged in the Ukraine. The first estimates of Ukrainian wheat harvests fall to 18 million tonnes compared to last year's 26 million tonnes.
The previously dry regions in Eastern Germany, Poland and adjacent areas are well supplied with rains. In the North German region , the rainfall to more than 150 should be % above the long-term average.