El Niño has had its day. La Niña is expected.
The significantly cooled water temperatures in the Equatorial zone in the Pacific Oceanhave been according to the observations of the Australian weather service and other institutions. That is a sure sign for the end of El Niño weather Ereignisses.
The cooler water evaporates less quickly, so that the trade flow the rain clouds longer and faster to the West wear. These are unmistakable signs of a La Niña weather phenomenon.
In the run-up to the Southeast Asian country a rainy field surface, that can reach Australia, the Southeast Asian Islands and in the South of China. In Australia , expect favorable conditions for a high Getreideernte. In Malaysia and Indonesia , sufficient rainfall again n get the palm oil plantation.
The air circulation in the northern hemisphere pushes cold air masses to the North with the result that it remains above average cooling along the coasts of China and North-Western North America.
Cool and wet regions are also in the eastern coastal regions in Brazil until after Argentina. The eastern part of South Africa is also affected by cold and wet weather conditions.
However, experience has shown that recognised the southern part of the United States until after Mexico inside of a warm, dry area . The crucial question remains however when this time period occurs. Should la starting join Niña weather yield crucial time from late July, the Blüh - and grain filling stage of corn and soybeans is affected. This could lead to significant revenue impact.
An later occurrence of La Niña weather event developed significantly fewer reductions in harvest.
The second question is the intensity, the La Niña will occur this year 2016. This problem is not standardised in the light of experience.
The United States produce around 35% of the maize at the world level and are among the major exporters. A reduced crop would cause sensitive in connection with the weak Brazilian corn crop on the cereals market. South Africa could experience the second poor harvest in a row.
The United States produce about a third of the world harvest of soybeans. Also in this case the supply of soy products in fiscal year could be in connection with the stricken Argentine soy crop 2016/17 significantly closer. Already, the prices of soybean meal have risen within one month by 30%.