MARS estimates 2024 grain yields in EU countries: from miserable to medium
In its latest October issue, the EU Commission's agro-meteorological institute (MARS) once again revised the
down again by -3% on average in the EU compared to the previous month. Compared to the previous year, the results are -11% lower and -9% lower in a multi-year comparison.
With a production share of around 38%, the poor yields in the south-eastern European countries of Bulgaria, Hungary, Croatia and Romania are the main contributors to the overall result. Compared to the 5-year average, Bulgaria and Romania only achieved just under half of their usual yields at around 3 tons/ha. In Hungary, this year's result falls by -29 % after a good previous year.
Compared to 2023, France (-6 %), Italy (-7 %), Belgium (-13 %) and the Netherlands (-15 %) also perform significantly worse.
As in the previous year, Germany is expected to achieve a yield per hectare of around 9.6 tons, which is still 3 % above the multi-year average. Spain will also achieve good average yields again in 2024 due to weather conditions.
Overall, slightly above-average yields are expected for only 20% of EU production. France will contribute by far the largest share despite regional losses.