Belgapom is not changing its quotation for Fontane today. Overall, however, there is still an increasing demand for free processing potatoes in the country. Producers are still not particularly willing to sell and were waiting for prices to continue to rise. What is offered is being warmly received by the industry. The industry association Fiwap is already citing higher prices, and innovators are particularly wanted. The exciting question of how long stocks in the producers' barns will last this season is causing uncertainty all over Europe. In France the prices remain unchanged at 30 euros/dt. For Innovator, 31 euros/dt can be achieved. Here too, demand from the industry is noticeably increasing and buyers are ordering what is on offer. There are currently export opportunities to both southern and eastern Europe. According to new figures from the Association of Potato Growers in Western Europe (NEPG), the consumer potato harvest in the four countries Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands totals a total of 22.7 million tons, 5.1 percent higher than in 2022. This is the harvest again roughly at the average of the last five years. Losses from the last harvest are estimated at around 650,000 tons due to wetness and frost. According to NEPG, around 11,000 hectares have been lost. According to the association, the availability of seed potatoes will pose problems for the coming season. There continues to be cautious interest in EEX . On Tuesday 7 contracts were traded, today 5 contracts were traded and the contract for April 24 rose to 38.00 euros/dt. The EEX index rose again this week and is now trading at 31.20 euros/dt. There is hardly any market-changing news on the food market . Demand is going well for this time of year, especially because there is export demand and the southern German harvest requires higher shipments from northern Germany.
ZMP Live Expert Opinion
The outlook remains positive, the bullish arguments outweigh the bearish ones. The losses from the last harvest are high, the NEPG estimates them at up to 650,000 tons, and the availability of seed potatoes, which continues to be wet fields in Germany coupled with drought in Spain, is likely to at least affect the coming planting.