The mood on the processing market remains tense. The factories are trying to mobilize the very last batches and are willing to pay even higher prices. Today the Reka raised the prices for Fontane to 60 euros/dt, for Agria and Markies 61 euros/dt. Even the most recent rainfall has not yet made for a more relaxed atmosphere. The development of the tubers lags behind the usual course at this time. In the case of the early varieties such as Zobra, the first reliable harvest quantities are expected in two to three weeks at the earliest. IN Belgium, Belgapom quotes remained unchanged today. Only very small and very isolated quantities of free lots are registered. As already stated in the Netherlands, the Belgian factories are also planning longer closing times than usual in July. The early potatoes are not available here either, but there is also a lack of rainfall. On irrigated areas, however, there is a good development picture. There is good demand for early potatoes . The imported potato quantities have decreased and so marketers are increasingly asking for new potatoes.In Lower Saxony up to 75 euros/dt are paid for early food, which is less than in the previous week but still at a high level. The imported potatoes are only available to a limited extent, supplies are ordered here and there, but these are no longer available in France and Spain, for example. For early potatoes from Germany, which are also suitable for processing into french fries, there is certainly price competition from the processing industry for packers. Interest in EEX futures contracts continues to be extremely low.
ZMP Live Expert Opinion
The signs are already pointing to another high-priced potato year before the harvest. The weather so far this year has caused delayed planting as well as delayed tuber growth. At the same time, the demand from the processing industry in particular is high. But foodstuffs are also benefiting from the current market situation. The imported goods are no longer widely available, the stocks are continuously declining.