GDT auction with less cover back into the plus with 2,6%
The most recent global dairy trade auction on May 17, 2016 has on average an increase in dairy prices by 2.6% led to. Thus, a further step towards the stabilization of the international milk prices but seems at a low level to be done.
Cornerstone is a significantly reduced envelope volume of almost 15%. Thus, the decline of the milk offer in New Zealand is clearly noticeable.
Of the service providers of the auction with a 50% market share is whole milk powder (VMP). With an average price increase of 3%, VMP has contributed significantly to the positive overall result. It is also positive that VMP in all delivery months and including Nov. 16 in the plus range of + 1.8 to + 3.7% cut off. 5 year olds compared the VMP courses aim slowly from the bottom half of the price scale out.
However, could the world's abundant offered skimmed-milk powder (SMP) compete with 0.9% for the umpteenth time. Especially the front delivery with price bidding of 1.4 to - 2.8% could not be compensated by increases in the rear dates.
With an increase of + 4.9%, butterfat is among the winners of the auction. In each delivery month, the overcharge ranged % + 1.7% in the Oct. 16 to + 10.3 during the delivery month Jun.-16. Compared to the previous auction, this correction was also overdue.
Normal butter was also considerable value increases with an average increase of + 3.8%. But stability in the individual delivery leaves a lot to be desired. The range of results ranges % of + 8.9 in the Jul-16 to-2% in the Nov. 16.
In the 10-year comparison of the auction results are the average prices of milk products are still in the bottom quarter but with a rising tendency. Here, two milk fats have reached higher positions in the price scale than the two milk powder products. MMP, which exists at world level in abundant measure remains the problem child.
In the next few weeks and months and including July, milk production in the southern hemisphere will go back on. However, the offer seasonally due a little rises in the northern hemisphere. A basic relief with significant price increases is not to refrain for the time being.