Argentina's weather forecast for the coming months represents a "major challenge" for soybean and corn production, with below-average rainfall due to the La Niña weather phenomenon, announced the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange. It is currently summer in Argentina.
Argentina is the world's leading exporter of processed soybeans and the second largest exporter of corn. Farmers are currently sowing soybeans and corn for the 2021/22 season.
"We are facing a climate scenario that poses major challenges for production," said the exchange in its monthly climate report published on Monday.
"This has to be overcome with a sustainable agricultural approach and a rational use of the available technological resources."
The Buenos Aires Stock Exchange expects a record corn harvest of 57 million tons and a soybean production of 44 million tons.
As for wheat 2021/22, the harvest of which will end in January, the exchange raised its harvest estimate last week to a record $ 21 million.Tons, although in her report she noted that adverse weather conditions could affect the grain in the coming weeks.
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