The bulls prevail today again all resistance despite the Agrarfutures. CBoT-Maisfutures were 1.41% for half an hour ago in the plus, the soybean record 1.14% at the hour higher than yesterday and the wheat futures in Chicago is barely 1% + 4 cents compared to the yesterday's close in the plus.
In Argentina, is indeed advanced the soybean crop currently 65% compared to the previous week (56%) but is still far behind the 87% on the same date in the previous year. The corn harvest starts in Argentina also very slow – 28% harvested compared to 46% on the same date now in the previous year.
The wheat cultivation in Argentina will be extended by 21% and thus the largest acreage for nine years. Analysts were assumed but of surfaces extending by 25%, so that they are now bullish plus 21%.