In February, the Canadian Railway Co. (CN) lacked the transport capacity of 10,000 wagons or 1 million tons of grain. The railway company was partially paralyzed by opponents of a pipeline project.
The activists are members of environmental groups that show solidarity with Indian tribes, through whose land a pipeline is to be built.
In February, the grain volume of just under 1% of the total harvest could not be transported to the export ports. Canada's grain industry depends heavily on rail transportation. CN is Canada's largest transportation company, which in addition to grain also transports potash fertilizer, coal and processed goods to export ports and the United States.
Some production sites were unable to continue production for weeks and the backlog now has to be processed first. Because crude oil prices fell as a result of the corona crisis, the risk of an under-supply of energy is no longer so great.
CN is now bringing 450 employees back to work from their forced break.
HANSA Terminhandel