The Chinese market for pork is threatening to overheat, even though the Government in Beijing sold meat from the State reserves to cool the market. Today published the Government figures, pork prices have grown to record levels this week. The fatteners withhold their sows because they want to rebuild their herds. In 2014, when the prices in the cellar were many sows were slaughtered. In addition, stricter environmental protection laws have forced many Mäster since 2010 to the operational task. Pork is a staple food for much of the population in China.
The United States and Germany will benefit from high prices there as the most important foreign suppliers. In 2016, 1.5 million tonnes of pork will be introduced to China. Thus, China Japan would overtake as the world's largest importer. China consumed half of all the pigs of the world. 4% of the Chinese consumer price index are due to the pork price.
End of may the Government in Beijing announced that it will outsource frozen 3.05 million kg pork that was intervening in the last 7 years. This week, the pork prices in China's supermarkets rose to equivalent 4.26 euros / kg. Around 40% were more than a year ago. Because the State reserves are manageable so far shared volumes have only a limited effect on pricing.
Chinese pork consumption is estimated in 2016 to 54 million tonnes.