The Chinese soy are imports in April at 5.31 million tons, 18% less than in the same month of the previous year. A strike of the Brazilian carriers had delayed Angang under the soybean exporters in the world, March the shipments from the South American country, the No. 2.
Because of the lower supply, the Chinese mills are now driving their works with lower capacity. Meanwhile, the supply situation improved but increasingly, because the ship arrivals from South America to resume. From may until July soybeans are expected in China imports from 6.5 million to 7.5 million tons in the month.
China is by far the world's largest importer of oilseeds. 60% of the supply available on the world market goes to China. The expectation of such great import volume has led to falling prices on the local market in China. The bean imports fell 4.1% on total 20,94 million tons in the first four months of this year. Also China, in April, imported 520,000 tons edible oils (Palm oil, soybean oil and rapeseed oil), 44% are more than in the last year. In the months before, the edible oil imports had been very weak. They fell by 36.6% compared to the same period of the previous year to 1.57 million tons.