Institutional investors on Euronext Paris increased their holdings from 155,856 net long positions on wheat futures and options (as of November 12) in the week ended November 24th to 171,924 net long positions. The majority of investors in this group remain bullish. This is shown by the COT report published yesterday by Euronext. The group of "non-commercial participants" includes investment funds, banks and insurance companies.
The group of "commercial participants", including hedgers, reduced their holdings of net wheat short positions to 200,907 contracts (previous week: 207,792 contracts).
Commercial participants hold 63.7% of the total short positions and 36.0% of the total long positions.
Non-commercial participants hold 36.3% of the total short positions and 64.0% of the total long positions.
In rapeseed, the investor group of non-commercial participants increased the number of rapeseed futures and options from 1,348 net long contracts to 3,286 net short contracts.
Commercial participants increased their net short portfolio from 4,178 to 5,202 net short contracts.
Hansa Terminhandel GmbH