More prospects on rainfall for parts of the U.S. Plains, technical sales and negative requirements of the Kansas City and Minneapolis wheat left on a 1-month low close the wheat prices in Chicago yesterday. Argentina's wheat acreage 2015/16 is according to forecasts "Buenos Aires Grains Exchange" with 4.1 million hectares (previous year: 4.4 million hectares). Jordan State grain buyer has announced an international tender for the purchase of 100,000 tonnes of durum wheat of optional origin. Institutional investors reduced their holdings of net short positions to 5,000 contracts. The hour is the e-CBoT with slight surcharges. The Weizenfutures on the Euronext in Paris followed the weak requirements from overseas and the courses had to again accept discounts on all dates. Russia's Agriculture Minister Nikolai Fyodorov said that the decision on a possible retention of export duties, only applied wheat deliveries over the 30.06.15 in June 2015, when greater clarity by 2015 is the extent of the Russian grain harvest.