Short covering by fund companies, the weaker U.S. dollar against the euro, as well as disappointing results during the field surveys in Kansas had significant gains include the wheat prices yesterday in Chicago. Algerian of State grain purchasing OAIC wheat of optional origin has announced an international tender for the purchase of 50,000 metric tons of durum. Institutional investors reduced their holdings of net short positions to 7,000 contracts. The electronic exchange of the night is today tomorrow minimal fixed. After the strong price losses in the last days, the Weizenfutures on Euronext in Paris followed the good requirements from overseas and were put in the courses. The European Commission raised its forecast of the EU soft wheat crop by 2015 from 141.1 million tonnes last month to 141.6 million tonnes. 2014, soft wheat harvested in the EU-28 148,2 million tons. The stocks at the end of the marketing period of 2015/16 were reduced from 16.2 million tons to 15.0 million tonnes. Mainly due to the increase in the consumption of the feed wheat by 1.5 million tons.