Yesterday in Chicago with slight gains include the wheat quotes short covering by funds as well as a slightly weaker US dollar to the euro. Charged the market continues but by a weak global export demand for U.S. wheat and good world wheat stocks. Egypt's State grain purchasing GASC bought 240,000 metric tons of wheat in Russian and Romanian origin at an average price of $199,28 / ton c & f. The electronic exchange of the night is slightly weaker to the hour. Yesterday, the Weizenfutures on the Euronext in Paris spent a relatively quiet day with low trading turnover, where prices only minimally increased. The European Union granted export licenses for 228.000 tons of wheat this week. In the current marketing year amounted to exports for wheat on a total of 29,314 million tonnes (previous year comparison value: 26,444 million tonnes). The IGC raised its estimate of global wheat production 2015/16 from 705 million tons to 715 million tonnes (previous year: 721 million tonnes).