Short covers as well as buying activity by fund companies had good gains include the wheat prices yesterday in Chicago. At the yesterday's USDA report, U.S. stocks were at the end of the marketing period 2016/17 on 1,105 Mio.Bushel appreciated. Analysts expected this in a range of 1.017 1,231 million bushels. However, the estimate of the world end stocks was significantly reduced. With 253,70 million tonnes, it is well below the expectations, which was previously estimated by analysts in a span of 255-263,4 million tons. Fund companies bought yesterday 4,000 lots CBoT SRW wheat. The eCBoT is today tomorrow slightly firmer. On Euronext Paris, the Weizenfutures could not follow the good requirements from overseas and closed mixed. Egypt yesterday bought 180,000 metric tons of wheat at an average price of $173,03 c & f. 120,000 tons, 60,000 tons of the Ukraine come from Russia. The consulting firm of ODA has reduced its forecast of the soft wheat harvest in France by 35 million tons to 32 million tonnes. That would be the smallest harvest since 2007.