Short covers of fund companies, increased buying activity after the decline to its lowest level for ten years and positive requirements of the soybean and corn complex had on Friday in Chicago the second day in a row with moderate gains include the wheat prices. Institutional investors reduced their holdings of net short positions to 2,500 slots CBoT SRW wheat. Russia's wheat exports could rise in the current marketing year 2016/17 by 5 million metric tons to 30 million tons because the Russian Government has decided to reduce the tax on wheat exports for 2 years to zero. The stock exchanges in the United States remain closed today because of the holiday "Labor Day". On Euronext Paris, the Weizenfutures were little changed on Friday and the courses closed mixed. In Germany, the wheat harvest is completed. The qualities are regionally varied, but overall OK. In Hamburg the standard wheat premiums 12% decreased protein content delivery September € 0.50 to € 1.50 on December 16.