At the futures exchange in Paris, the courses for rapeseed go up in the air. The rape supply 2018/19 is no longer optimal, according to MARS, because in this country the bud wilt and insufficient tillering may be expected to yield. In Lower Saxony, 5% of the rapeseed area is said to have been plowed. The European harvest observer MARS estimates the average yields in Germany only at 35.6 dt / hectare, in April it was still 39 dt / hectare. The estimate corresponds to an increase of 8.8% over the previous year, but 6.9% less than the long-term average. The acreage in Germany was restricted.
The buying interest of the oil mills ex harvest has picked up a bit. Stockholders are now hoping for a rally ahead of the new harvest.
The rapeseed meal prices have also increased in the past week by about 4 € / ton. The demand of the compound feed industry has then diminished but somewhat. Soybean meal prices are also suffering from reduced demand and depressed prices.
The convergence in the trade dispute between the US and China has led to a significant increase in soybean prices, and in particular soybean oil prices.The fixed price development of all vegetable oils also supports the prices for rapeseed.