After the strong gains in the middle of the week, corn on the Paris Euronext/Matif went south yesterday, just like wheat. The contracts lost over all dates but are still higher than at the close of trading on Monday. Higher prices for corn have also recently been called for on the cash markets in this country. Biogas plant operators are increasingly active on the market everywhere and also call for courses that hardly reflect the general market. Higher electricity tariffs make the systems economical even with the increased grain and corn prices. The prospect of higher production possibilities is fueling the demand for biogas plants. The first harvest results from southern Germany describe the harvest very differently. In Bavaria, grain maize yields of between 2 and 11 tons per hectare are reported. The CBoT was also slightly down. For the WASDE, the majority of market participants are expecting a reduction in US harvest volumes. Brazil expects a harvest of 113.3 million tons, 1.2 million tons less than previously estimated.
VR AgrarBeratung AG