Iran announced today that it has imported four million tons of wheat since the end of April, the semi-official news website ILNA reported.
"This year 4.5 million tons of wheat were bought from Iranian farmers ... And since the end of April 4 million tons of wheat have been imported," ILNA quoted the Deputy Minister of Internal Trade Hassan Hanan as saying.
Despite US sanctions, food, medicine and other humanitarian supplies, including animal feed, can be delivered. The sanctions were imposed in 2018 after the United States ended Iran's nuclear deal with six world powers.
Tehran and the world powers are due to resume talks on November 29, 2021 to revive the 2015 pact.
Iran's Government Trading Corporation (GTC) said in a report earlier this month that wheat imports would hit record levels by March, while domestic crops plummeted due to drought.
Iran was said to have imported 5.5 million tons of corn and 2.2 million tons of barley in addition to imported wheat valued at US $ 1.2 billion.
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