V-€1,66 / kg (u.v..). Also in this week the Association price remains unchanged at €1.66 / kg. Is almost total coverage by a slightly below-average schlachtreifer pigs at talked quietly to moderate demand. Offered games can be easily marketable.
The demand is known as remain calm after pork on the German market. To determine a slightly increased buying interest is only regional. In China, it is said the price spike seems now. Most recently dropped the price of pork for consumers in the domestic Chinese market. He is still 16% above the level of the previous year.
Week until August 14, 958.840 pigs of the trading class S-V were slaughtered by the declarants slaughterhouses (VW.: 959.770, py: 978.621). The average weights of battle rose to 95.4 kg 100 g to the previous week.