Yesterday the courses of the Sojabohnenfutures rose to the highest level since July fears about earnings in South America and following a weaker offering led 2014th to the rapid rise in the last few days.
It is mainly the fund companies, which drove prices. In the spot market, the feed manufacturers already geared for alternatives to the soybean meal. So, the prices of soybean meal futures rose on Wednesday on a level by December 2014.
Major crop losses in Argentina after prolonged destructive rains will be probably soon to increase demand for soybean farmers from the United States. In Brazil have many farmers to renegotiate their vorverkauften soya beans, because they obviously have sold more, as they are now reaping. Relevant for the soybean crop parts of the country, it was last much too dry. There, the second harvest of the marketing year begins in the coming weeks.
The hour, the Sojabohnenfutures but again leave a part of yesterday's gains on the CBoT.