Ukrainian farmers 2016 almost completing the sowing of summer cereal. With 7.0 million acres, 96% of the scheduled areas were ordered. This was announced by the Ministry of agriculture on Monday. Initially the prognosis of the planting area for summer grain amounted to 7.5 million hectares, later reduced then on 7.3 million hectares. A reason was not called.
Spring wheat was sown on 166,000 hectares, there are 4.3 million hectares of maize.
The agricultural consulting company UrkAgroConsult announced last month that 2016 is expected a harvest in the Ukraine of 54.9 million tons. by 2015, 57.9 million tons of grain were harvested. The wheat, analysts expect a decline in the harvest to 21.5 million tonnes (previous year: 24.8 million tonnes).