In some regions, farmers are continuing to harvest this week. However, the end of the 2024 harvest is in sight. Producers' storage activities have largely been completed. In general, weather and soil conditions have been favorable for this season's harvest. Once again, farmers are reporting that yields of late-planted crops are lower than last year. The markets are expected to pick up at Christmas time. Essentially, prices are currently firmer despite good harvests in terms of volume.
In the UK, the total take-up for good quality varieties is estimated at over 80 %. The majority of sales movements are currently contract-related. Some larger retail chains are looking for larger batches of the best quality for free sale. Across Europe, export markets are reported to be quieter than last month, although there is good demand for Spanish potatoes in France and reports of light sales to Eastern Europe.
ZMP Live Expert Opinion
The 2024 harvest is almost complete. So are the storage activities. The markets are hoping for an upturn in business at Christmas time. Prices are currently trending firmer despite the good harvest.