
May livestock census results: fewer farms - stable pig numbers

Pig census 03 May 2024: fewer farms, stabilization of herds

The livestock census on May 3, 2024 revealed a decline in the number of pig farms from the previous year's 16,170 reportable farms to just 15,650 units. This continues the trend of fewer and fewer livestock farms that has been ongoing for more than a decade.

In contrast, the stabilization of the total pig population around 21 million animals observed in the last 3 livestock censuses is confirmed; the sow population is just over 1.4 million.

The weight category of pigs between 50 and 80 kg has only increased by +0.6% compared to the Nov. 23 census. These are the slaughter pigs finished in July/mid-Aug-24.

In the category of young pigs under 50 kg (excluding piglets), only an insignificant change was recorded. Under average conditions, the animals would reach slaughter maturity from mid-Aug./Sep.24.

The number of piglets counted fell by -1.3% compared to the Nov.23 count. Possible changes in farrowing import volumes must also be taken into account when estimating the future supply of animals for slaughter.

Conclusion: despite above-average pig and piglet prices, a number of farms do not see any future opportunities in pig farming, while some others are utilizing the capacities that have been reduced. There are no signs of investment to expand production. Construction costs have risen too sharply for this and the future prospects are too risky. There are no signs of a fundamental change in live supply for the rest of the year.

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