(AMI) - Europe-wide market developments determine in the last full work week before Christmas a very brisk demand for pigs, falling slaughter weights and record slaughter. Pork prices have stabilised in terms of price and also until the beginning of the new year unmodified pig prices are likely to can continue.
In Belgium , the abattoirs very lively ordered slaughter pigs. The battle weights fall compared to the previous week show that quite a few animals are preferred. Although compared to the previous year, the animals are 600 g heavier. The export-oriented companies in Belgium are reporting full order books. Also in Germany is spoken by a buoyant demand for pork. On pages of producers the absence of further falling pork prices and the prospect of at least stable pork prices have spread again slight optimism in January after a long time.
Also in France , the pig prices all along the line are stable. It is made here well in regard to the Christmas holidays, there to slaughter even considerations, on Saturday what actually is not allowed due to the strong trade unions in France. A well balanced market is expected for January. Nationwide sales in the food retail sector should boost pork demand, especially as also the State doctorate price fixing is no longer binding. The EU-subsidised private storage will have rather little to no importance for France.
Different in Spain, here a high application for the aid for the private storage of pigmeat beginning January 2016 is expected. The export of pigs after Italy show thriving down, the weights of battle of. The relation of supply and demand has eased. The price trend is also here quite clearly unchanged. Foreign market observers, the rock from Spain are repeatedly laments, where about every price is trying to win new customers.