Member for 7 years 9 months

Analysiert einmal bitte, was Präsident Trump hier von der FED fordert.

Vor gut einer halben Stunde veröffentlicht....


The Federal Reserve should get our interest rates down to ZERO, or less, and we should then start to refinance our debt. INTEREST COST COULD BE BROUGHT WAY DOWN, while at the same time substantially lengthening the term. We have the great currency, power, and balance sheet.....

....The USA should always be paying the the lowest rate. No Inflation! It is only the naïveté of Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve that doesn’t allow us to do what other countries are already doing. A once in a lifetime opportunity that we are missing because of “Boneheads.”


Dieses Jahr wird übrigens wieder ein Rekord in den Zinsausgaben der USA sein. Mit dem September hinzugerechnet gut 590 - 600 Milliarden US-$ und das bei superniedrigen Zinsen.....

Schnipp, Schnapp, Schuldenfalle schnapp.......

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