Price developments remain friendly from the producer's perspective

Kartoffeln News, 03/01/2024

  • scarce supply of table potatoes
  • scarce supply of processing potatoes
  • Planting material availability 2024
  • good export demand food
  • high consumer demand for telecommunications
  • Deliveries of new potatoes will begin soon
International quotations €/dt
country Quotation variety previous week Current the change
Netherlands PotatoNL Cat. 1 32-38 35.00-40.00 2.50
Belgium Belgapom Fountain 35.00 35.00 0.00
France RNM Fountain 35.00 35.00 0.00
Germany Reka Innovator 38.00 39.00 1.00

From the producer's perspective, the mood on the processing market remains positive. However, the situation is critical for factories and processors. The availability of free quantities is low. Producers are holding back goods in anticipation of tight supplies. Reka is quoting 39 euros/dt for Innvoator today. Belgapom continues the previous week's quotation of 35 euros/dt for Fontane and Challenger. The Fiwap association already mentions a price range for Bintje of up to 40 euros/dt. In France, market participants also report that producers are reluctant to sell. Tubers of poor quality in the warehouses are usually cleared out and hardly play any role on the market anymore. In addition to good demand from our own industry, there are also good export volumes to southern Europe. After some transactions at the beginning of the week, things are quieter again on the EEX . As of midday, no contracts had been traded today. There is currently a lack of bid and ask prices. There is still no interest in the other contracts. The open interest in the April 24 date has also recently decreased. The food market appears balanced. The supply is still not plentiful, but demand can usually be met. Stronger demand from all sales channels is expected for the coming Easter period. The first plantings of early potatoes are beginning in the Palatinate, Baden-Württemberg and also in parts of Lower Saxony. There is a shortage of supplies on the food market in Belgium, which is further exacerbated by demand from the processing market. In France there are reports of calm export demand for food products. The first potatoes from Egypt and Israel are now expected in March, but are currently not having any influence on the market.

Price developments remain friendly from the producer's perspective
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The bottom line is that there are significantly more signs and arguments for further rising prices than there are reasons for falling prices.

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