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MetaStock 10 EOD und PRO: License Activation


Thank you for buying MetaStock. We protect MetaStock from piracy using an easy to use Copy Protection System. This guide will explain how to ‘activate’ your copy of MetaStock, along with how to easily move, remove and re-license MetaStock.

PRO-Tector License Manager

This suite of utilities allows you to manage licenses installed on your PC. The License Manager utility allows you to control your license using both offline and activation methods. With this utility you can:

- Check the status of a license.
- Activate via the Internet, via two methods to suit your setup.
- Call or E-mail your license to get an Unlocking Code.
- De-activate and Re-activate your PC via the Internet when moving PCs.
- Manually move licenses to a new computer using removable storage such as floppies, USB Flash drives, and so on.
- Produce an Installation ID that allows for the changing and/or updating of the license.
- Permanently remove a license and prove it.

To use this utility, you can either select Start> Equis International> License Manager, or open a file manager and browse to the Equis\MetaStock program folder, then click on License Manager.exe. Either way, a dialog similar to the one shown here will open:

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How to license your PC

When you install MetaStock, at the end of the install you will be asked if you want to activate your license. If you click Yes, the following screen appears. This allows you to quickly license your PC.

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There are four options on this screen.

Internet Activate – this option launches the License Manager utility on the correct dialog, ready to input your supplied License Code. On input the License Manager will interact with the server and activate the product with one click.
Activate using the self service website - this option launches the http://www.internetactivation.com self-service website provided as part of the hosted activation service. This works with the License Manager utility and requires the simple input of 2 codes on the website and the use of the generated Unlocking Code within the License Manager utility to unlock the application. You don’t need to be on your PC to get the required codes.
Unlock via the telephone/email - this option launches the License Manager utility on the correct dialog, ready to input your supplied License Code. You will email/call the Supplier with your Installation Code and you will receive an Unlocking Code.
Activate later – This closes the dialog and allows you to activate later.

Fully Automated Web Activation

Use the following steps to activate MetaStock on your system using the internet:

1. Run the MetaStock setup program.
2. If you agree to the license terms, click Next until you see Finish.
3. Click Finish.
4. You will then be asked if you want to activate your license. If you click Yes, the Check Activation dialog appears. This allows you to quickly license your PC.
5. In the Check Activation dialog, choose the Internet Activate option. If you wish, you may skip activation by choosing the Activate Later option. However, you must activate MetaStock within 14 days of installing it.

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6. Click Next.

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7. Copy & paste the 15-digit license code from the order confirmation email into the box provided.
8. Click Activate. Once the License Number has been accepted, MetaStock is activated. You will see a dialog similar to the one below.

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Using our self-service web site

Use the following steps to manually activate MetaStock on your system using the internet:
If you can’t activate using our fully-automated process (commonly because a firewall is restricting your access to the Internet), or you prefer not to license MetaStock through an automated process. In this case we also provide a self-service website that allows you to obtain your Activation Key. The URL for this process is http://www.internetactivation.com. Here is how you will use it:

1. In the Check Activation dialog, choose the Activate using the self service website option.

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2. Click Next. This opens http://www.internetactivation.com in your default web browser.
3. In order for you to activate MetaStock, you will need to provide both an Installation ID and a License Number. You will get the Installation ID by running the License Manager Utility.
4. To use this utility, you can either select Start> Equis International> License Manager, or open a file manager, and browse to the Equis\MetaStock program folder, then click on the License Manager Utility. It will open a dialog box similar to the one shown here.

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5. Copy the Installation ID by clicking the copy button to the right of the number.

6. Return to the self service website and paste in your Installation ID and the License Number sent to you when you purchased MetaStock.

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7. Once you have entered both the Installation ID and your License Number, click Continue to access the final screen.

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8. This shows the Unlocking Key you will need to enter in the License Manager.

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9. Enter the Unlocking Key in the Dialog Box and click Install License. Upon successful entry of the unlocking key, you will be able to use MetaStock.

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10. Please note that the STATUS field has changed; it now shows MetaStock as Licensed.

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If the license number has already been used, you will see the following screen:

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Manual Licensing using email/phone

Use the following steps to activate MetaStock on your system using e-mail or telephone:
To activate your copy of MetaStock by telephone or e-mail:

1. In the Check Activation dialog, choose the Unlock via the telephone or e-mail option.

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2. Click Next. This launches the License Manager utility.

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3. You can now call or email us with the following information:

- The License Number we sent with your order and;
- The Installation ID from the utility. Using this information we can generate an unlocking key for you to put into the Unlocking Key box.

4. To activate MetaStock you must enter the key into the box and then click Install License. If you chose to activate by email, just copy and paste the digits from the email into the Unlocking Key box and then click Install License. If you chose to activate by telephone, you may enter in the number as one long string of digits, or separate the Key into 3 groups of 4 digits each, separated by either a space or a hyphen. Then click Install License.
NOTE: You will be notified if you enter an invalid Unlocking Key. If you do so, the Installation ID will immediately change afterwards.

5. Once the Unlocking Key is accepted, the “STATUS” field will change to show that MetaStock is Licensed.

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Skipping Activation

If you do not wish to activate MetaStock when you install it, you do not have to do so. To skip activation, choose the Activate later option in the Check Activation dialog and click Next.

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If you choose this option, you have 14 days to activate your copy of MetaStock. If you do not activate your copy in this period, MetaStock will not run until you activate it.

To Move A License from Computer to Computer

If you are upgrading or wish to use the software on another PC you will need to move or temporarily deactivate your installed license, then install MetaStock on the new PC and transfer your license to that PC. Once you do this, the original PC will no longer be licensed, and so MetaStock will not run on it. All this takes a minute using the License Manager Utility.

There are two ways you can accomplish this.
- Deactivate/reactivate the license using the internet.
- "Store" your license on a removable drive, and then copy the stored license on the new computer.

Moving your License using the Internet (De-activation)

Use the following steps to transfer your MetaStock license using the Internet.

To access this function you will need to run the “Internet De-Activate” Utility. If you are upgrading or wish to use the software on another PC you will need to deactivate your existing license, then install MetaStock on the new PC and the re-activate your license on that PC. Once you do this, the original PC will no longer be licensed, and so MetaStock will not run on it.

On your Old PC (the one you are transferring MetaStock from)
1. Make sure that the computer is connected to the Internet.
2. Run License Manager. (Either select Start> Equis International> License Manager, or open a file manager and browse to the Equis\MetaStock program folder, then click on License Manager.exe.) This opens the main License Manager dialog.
3. Click Internet De-activate in the top row of icons.

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4. Click the De-Activate button at the bottom of the dialog.
5. Re-enter your License Number in the Dialog Box and click Return license. MetaStock is now deactivated on this computer.
6. You can now re-use the same number in a new installation. When you want to reactivate MetaStock, you will simply install it on a new computer and follow the normal activation procedures.
NOTE: Your “license number” is also saved locally and will automatically appear in the license number box should you re-activate MetaStock on this PC.
7. Click Exit in the top menu bar to close the License Manager.

Moving your Licence using a removable drive

Use the following steps to transfer your MetaStock license using a removable drive.

If you are upgrading or wish to use the software on another PC you will need to move your license from the installed PC to a removable drive (such as a USB Thumb drive, floppy disk, Portable hard drive, or Zip-type drive), then install MetaStock on the new PC and transfer your stored license to that PC. Once you do this, the original PC will no longer be licensed, and so MetaStock will not run on it. All this takes a minute using the License Manager Utility.

On the New PC (the one you are transferring MetaStock to)
1. Install MetaStock on your new PC; this will also install the License Manager.
2. Insert (or connect) the drive you stored your license on and note the drive letter.
3. Run License Manager on your new computer. (Either select Start> Equis International> License Manager, or open a file manager and browse to the Equis\MetaStock program folder, then click on License Manager.exe.) This opens the main License Manager dialog.

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4. Click the Browse button under Select media on NEW PC, Initialize it:. The prompt box displays your available drives.

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5. Select the drive that you want to store your license on, and click OK.
6. Click Initialize Media. This prepares the location for your license to be transferred to. It does not affect anything else on that drive.

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7. Leave License Manager running.

On your Old PC (the one you are transferring MetaStock from)
1. Move the drive that you prepared above to this computer.
2. Run License Manager.
3. Click the Browse button under Select media on ORIGINAL PC, move to it:. A prompt box displays your available drives.
4. Select the drive letter of your initialized media.
5. Click Move To Media.
6. Click Exit in the top menu bar to close the License Manager.

On your New PC
1. Move the drive that you copied the license back to this computer and connect it.
2. Click the Browse button under Select media on NEW PC, Move from it:. A prompt box displays your available drives.
3. Select the drive letter of your initialized media.
4. Click on Move from Media. You are finished. MetaStock will now run on your new computer.

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5. Click Exit to close the License Manager.

An alternative way to move your MetaStock License from PC to PC is to restore it to the Web Activation Server and then re-use it later. Click here for information on using this process.

To Remove a License with Proof that It was removed

Use the following steps to transfer your MetaStock license using a removable drive.

To permanently remove a license, you will need to run the “Remove License” Utility.

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1. Run License Manager. (Either select Start> Equis International> License Manager, or open a file manager and browse to the Equis\MetaStock program folder, then click on License Manager.exe.) This opens the main License Manager dialog.
2. Click Remove License in the top row of icons.
3. Click Remove License at the bottom of the dialog. ( A)
4. When asked if you are sure, click Yes.
5. Contact Equis at (01) 1 801-265-9998 with the Installation ID ( B) and the Proof of Removal Code ( C).
6. Equis will verify and confirm that your License has been successfully removed.


@ webmaster [#1]

bietet Equis auch eine Variante mit "Dongle" ?

Ich habe und nutze ständig an verschiedenen Orten mehrere PC's. Das "Spiel" mit (Re)Move License würde mich nerven, wenn ich es mehrfach täglich machen müsste.

Meine Software ist da benutzerfreundlicher, installieren so oft man will und per USB-Dongle (ohne Treiber, da von Win2000..VISTA als Standard "HDI" Mouse/Keyboard erkannt) standalone offline nutzen.

Ohne Dongle geht es auch auf "einem" PC, wenn der PC online ist und "nach Hause telefonieren" kann.

Die Variante ist simpel und "fair", man hat defakto 2 Lizensen (je eine "offline" und "online"). Wenn Dongle "kaputt", dann gibt es innerhalb 5 Arbeitstagen Ersatz zum Selbstkostenpreis (bis dahin kann man nur "Online" arbeiten, was bei einer RT Software eh nötig ist).

Wenn Hersteller innerhalb von 3 Wochen kein Dongle liefert ("tot"/"pleite"...), dann ist ein Mastercode von einem Notariat zu erhalten, der die Software ohne Dongle/KeyServer dauerhaft freischaltet.

Bis auf die Sache mit dem Notariat, mache ich das bei meiner eigenen Software auch so. ;)

Brigitte Ammon
Mitglied seit 10 Jahre 9 Monate

Hallo TimeTrade,

bei MetaStock gibt es bisher nur diese Variante, keinen Dongle. MetaStock darf auf zwei Rechnern installiert werden - für den Großteil der Anwender ist das wohl auch ausreichend.

Innerhalb weniger Tage ist auch beim MetaStock-Hersteller Equis "Ersatz" lieferbar - kostenfrei und unbürokratisch - sollte mal etwas schiefgehen.

Schöne Grüsse,

Brigitte Ammon

Beschreiben Sie bitte Ihr Anliegen, damit wir uns auf den Rückruf vorbereiten können.
Ja, ich habe die Datenschutzerklärung zur Kenntnis genommen und willige ein, dass die von mir angegebenen Daten inklusive der Kontaktdaten zwecks Bearbeitung der Anfrage und für den Fall von Anschlussfragen elektronisch erhoben und gespeichert werden. Meine Daten werden dabei nur streng zweckgebunden zur Bearbeitung meiner Anfrage genutzt und nicht ohne Einwilligung weitergegeben. Diese Einwilligung kann jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen werden.

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