
The CFTC data for the soy beans from the 07 April 2015

The mood of speculators of wheat the wheat in Chicago remains very "Verkäuferlastig" Although the rates are increased in the report week ending April 7, 2015. The net short positions have increased to 396 contracts on total 70.887 NET short positions.

The cereals marketing year 2014/15 is coming to an end and the experiences of the last years show that from April hardly an extensive trade and significant price changes occur. The latest USDA estimate of April 2015 consolidates the latest estimates for the WJ 2014/15, as also like every month the amounts up or down moves a few tons. So, the corn end stocks compared with the last estimate to 3 million tonnes are grown again. The closing stock at the total cereals (excluding rice) from 343 million tonnes to 420 million tonnes are grown in the last three years. The coarse grain (mainly maize) it had the largest share in the wheat with 56 million the increase amounted to only 21 million tonnes. This increase resulted in a slightly above-average stock to use ratio of 21% and at a slightly below-average wheat price compared to the last few years.

The base looses in the local spot market at theBread wheat,i.e. pay the local processors in relation to the futures market for less. Absolutely, especially the last but also the coming harvest prices have in recent weekssomething given to.

No big opinion change took place at the corn speculators in Chicago. The net-long positions to 538 contracts on total 9.091 net long positions have increased in the reference week 07 April 2015.

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