
MARS evaluation of climate data in Dec. 23/Jan. 24

European weather conditions with big differences While wet and cold weather prevailed in the central and eastern regions of Northern Europe in the two months around the turn of the year, it was predominantly too warm in the southern regions and there is still a pronounced rainfall deficit. In some regions there is even a pronounced drought, such as in the southern parts of Romania and Ukraine as well as North Africa. In large areas of northern Germany, Denmark and the Baltic states , heavy rainfall has led to heavily water-saturated soils and flooding in Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt. The severe cold spell in Denmark and the Baltic states has caused additional frost damage to winter crops. There was too little rainfall in the southern regions of Spain and along the Mediterranean coast and the MAGREB countries. There is also a lack of rain in large parts of Italy, Greece and Turkey. There is a pronounced drought in the southeastern European countries, including Romania and Bulgaria.In these countries, seed levels were affected. In central and western European countries, plants lack sufficient winter hardiness, in contrast to the northeastern regions. These weather developments are expected to have repercussions into spring. The extent to which there will be a tightening or easing remains to be seen.

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