Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions (GTC),
ZMP GmbH, Basteistraße 81, 53173 Bonn,
Tel: (0228) 227 221 10

1. General terms
ZMP GmbH services are about providing information and thereby facilitating risk management in the agricultural sector. ZMP publishes information on current market and stock exchange events, current stock exchange data, conducts training courses and seminars on risk management and offers technical solutions for obtaining data.
These General Terms and Conditions govern the contractual relationship between users and ZMP GmbH for the services it offers. ZMP GmbH is prepared to deviate from the content of these General Terms and Conditions by individual agreement, in particular in the event of deviations from the scope of services generally presented on the Internet or the scope of services submitted in contract negotiations.

2. Scope of services
2.1 Registration and login / free area
In order to make full use of our free services, the user must log in/register. After successful registration, access will be activated by ZMP as quickly as possible. The password can be set by the user when registering. The user shall inform ZMP immediately if access to the pages is disrupted or if the e-mail address, postal address or other contact details change; these changes can be made by the user directly online. The customer may not make his/her user data for online services accessible to third parties. The customer must keep the access data and the personal password protected from access by third parties.
If ZMP has reasonable grounds to suspect that the customer's online access is being used by a third party without authorization, ZMP has the right to block access. In this case, the customer shall receive new access data.

2.2 Premium memberships
Premium memberships can be purchased online in the store, which provide the user with real-time prices and interactive charts as well as brief analyses of markets. Premium membership can initially be tested free of charge for up to 30 days as part of a trial subscription. During this trial period, the user can use all services of the complete Premium area (Gold scope) without restriction. It is a "trial period with no ifs and buts" that does not require any termination, but expires automatically after 30 days. Each user can only use the free trial period once. The user then has the option of acquiring the product of their choice for a fee. The contract period is usually one year from booking. Once the contract has been concluded, it can be terminated with 30 days' notice to the end of the contract period. Memberships that are not terminated 30 days before the end of the contract period are automatically extended by 1 year in each case. The annual membership costs can be found in the store. Price increases and fundamental changes to the range of services will - as far as possible - be announced in good time by e-mail and in the forums.

2.3 Seminars / Training courses
ZMP GmbH offers seminars on risk management and trading on commodity futures exchanges. Separate general terms and conditions for training courses apply to the booking of seminars.

2.4 Websolutions / IT support by ZMP GmbH
ZMP GmbH offers technical support, e.g. for obtaining data on customer websites etc., which is regulated, negotiated and invoiced separately according to individual requirements.

3. Prices / Invoicing
The prices listed in the store for the services of ZMP GmbH shall apply. Unless otherwise stated, all prices are exclusive of the applicable statutory VAT. Premium subscriptions are generally invoiced online by e-mail, always at the beginning of the new contract year or accounting quarter.
Individually tailored services will be sent and invoiced according to the desired scope of services.
All invoices are payable immediately. ZMP grants a 3% discount for direct debits. In individual cases, we reserve the right to activate/deliver against advance payment. In the event of default or partial payment, online activation/delivery may be temporarily suspended without the subscription lapsing.

4. Availability
There is no guarantee that our websites will be available at all times; in particular, the websites may be temporarily unavailable due to necessary maintenance work or technical faults. ZMP GmbH is not responsible for non-availability due to maintenance or disruption-related circumstances.

5. Copyright protection
The products and publications offered by ZMP are protected by copyright. All rights, including translations, are reserved. Reproduction - regardless of the type, whether photocopy, fax or recording in data processing systems - and evaluation require written permission. Unauthorized reproduction or exploitation will result in claims for damages.
Any extraction of prices, figures and other information (e.g. via "web crawlers") for further electronic processing is strictly prohibited.
Unless otherwise agreed, the implementation and/or distribution of this content and data on the websites and/or in third-party information services is always prohibited.
In the event of proven infringement, the user will be blocked immediately and claims for damages may be asserted.

6. Disclaimer / data protection
The contents of our website have been created with the greatest care. However, we cannot accept any liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content. As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on these pages in accordance with § 7 para. 1 TMG (German Telemedia Act) and general laws. According to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, however, we as a service provider are not obliged to monitor transmitted or stored third-party information or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity.
Our forums serve the open exchange of opinions among members. The exchange of copyrighted material (including, for example, articles that are freely available online) is not permitted. Linking is of course possible within the scope of what is permitted by law. Opinions expressed by private individuals (e.g. posts in discussion forums) reflect exclusively the opinion of the author of the respective post and are also their responsibility. The content of published or edited contributions is not checked. Contributions that are likely to harm third parties or are purely promotional statements will be deleted by the webmaster. ZMP GmbH expressly distances itself from contributions of this kind.
The user agrees that his personal data, which he provides during registration and booking, may be stored and used for operation and billing purposes.
ZMP undertakes to comply with the statutory provisions, in particular the Federal Data Protection Act and the Telemedia Act, and to store and use the customer's personal data only to the extent necessary for the performance of the contract. No personal user data will be passed on to third parties or used in any other way without prior express consent.
You can access and read further declarations on data protection, copyright notice and disclaimer in the current version under Imprint/Data protection.

7. Place of jurisdiction
In the event of a legal dispute, Bonn, NRW, Germany shall be the place of jurisdiction.

8. Severability clause
If individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions of Use are not legally effective in whole or in part or lose their legal effectiveness in whole or in part at a later date, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these General Terms and Conditions of Use. The invalid provision shall be replaced by the statutory provisions. The same applies if there are any loopholes in the general terms of use.

State: 2024-04-09

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