At the EEX, the 18, - Euro mark will be reached in April20

Kartoffeln Cockpit, 25.10.2019

  • Food potatoes are in good demand
  • Stock surcharges are based on prices
  • Processing goods are also in good demand
  • Do not clearly judge future demand of processors
  • Russia's harvest could continue to put pressure on European markets

In the market for table potatoes shows a good demand. The spot market price quotes increased. Field goods are barely available and stock items are hard to come by. Many potato stocks are not yet sweaty. Stock surcharges are given in the market at 5 Euro / dt. For processing potatoes, price quotations rose throughout the week. In the Netherlands, up to 15 Euro / dt is paid for Cat.1 potatoes. Belgapom noted this morning Bintje unchanged at 12.50 Euro / dt. Supply and demand are described as balanced, only the supply of Challenger in Beglien is slightly larger than the demand. Reka also raises quotations for Innovator by 50 cents / dt. Especially innovator is diligently traded and retrieved by the fast food industry. In the Niederladen the harvesting work started again, but run very slow in the whole of Western Europe. In Belgium, market observers estimate that 50% of the processed goods remain in the soil, while in the case of the low-loaders the value is given as 67%. The rearing work in the Niederladen should also drag on for a while. In Germany there are problems especially in West Germany.Demand is also high in Germany, but farmers are often not willing to pay. Rain showers are expected in many countries in the coming days, but the coming week should be dry and mild.

At the EEX, the 18, - Euro mark will be reached in April20
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At EEX, there is a veritable price rally. If the potatoes started last Friday at 16.00 Euro / dt, today the first traders closed the contracts at over 18.00 Euro / dt. Yesterday tubers tore the 18 Euro mark. Until April 2021 yesterday all delivery dates were 50 cents / dt.

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