EEX Whey Powder (Frankfurt, DE)
FAWH- Delivery volumes below previous year's level
- Christmas business
- Low stock levels, young maturity level for cheese
- Effects of bluetongue disease
- Buyers cautious due to the high price level
- Slight increase in delivery volumes
08:45 - 18:00 (CET) last trading day until 12:00 CET
Exchange Trading: 08:55 - 18:00 (CET); last trading day until 12:00 CET
EEX Whey powder spot / futures market prices & news
As a subsidiary of Eurex in Eschborn, EEX offers financially settled futures contracts on dairy products and processing potatoes for clearing in the agricultural sector. There is no possibility of physical settlement on the EEX.
All products are settled financially at maturity (cash settlement). Reference prices that adequately reflect the value of the traded products are used for this purpose. These price indices also increase market transparency in the futures contracts.
Whey powder is obtained from whey. Whey is a by-product of cheese production. Whey is available as sweet whey powder or sour whey powder. Whey powder contains around 11 % protein and 70 % lactose.[3] The processes used for dehydration are divided into spray drying and roller drying. During dehydration, the milk loses some of its vitamins.