MATIF Rapeseed oil (Paris, FR) Prices

Price quotation Euro and euro cents per ton
Kontraktgröße / Contract Unit
20 tons

Historical closing prices


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Soybean meal and soybeans closed in the green on Friday. The most traded July contract for soybeans rose by 8.75 US cents to 1,248.00 US cents/bu, while soybean meal increased in price by 9.80 US dollars to 386.50 US dollars/short ton. Due to a bad weather front, especially in the Corn Belt, market participants expect…


Rapeseed was unable to continue the positive trading day on Thursday on Friday. The front month of August lost 4.50 euros and closed at 490.50 euros/t. Producers in Europe are largely satisfied with the development of stocks. The fact that the harvest is likely to be only slightly weaker than in the previous year has…


Soybeans were unable to maintain Wednesday's gains yesterday. The July contract lost 7 cents to close at 1,239.25 US cents/bu, which corresponds to a converted price of 421.03 euros/ton. Soybean meal lost slightly, the front month fell by $1.50 to close at 376.70 US dollars/short ton (383.14 euros/t). Soya was weighed…


Rapeseed picked up again yesterday after the losses of the last few days and ended the trading day at a closing price of EUR 495 per tonne. Rapeseed is also firmer on a weekly basis, closing last Friday at a price of 478.75 euros/t in the August term. In the course of trading, the front month already made a run-up…


For the first time in several trading days, rapeseed prices are back in the green. The August contract in Paris rose by 8.75 euros to 488.00 euros/t. Bullish signals from the soy complex provided a tailwind, but fears of damage from the storms in the southwest at Pentecost are also causing uncertainty. Meanwhile, heavy…


The soybean market headed south yesterday. Although the price gains of Whit Monday were not reversed, soybeans still lost double digits. Soybean meal, on the other hand, fell slightly. The fall in prices is mainly due to the data from the last stock report on Monday. A sowing progress of 17 percentage points was…

ZMP Market assessment

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  • Floods in Brazil
  • Harvest pace USA
  • Lower rapeseed forecast for Germany
  • Global harvest expectations
  • Demand from China
ZMP Market Report Compact

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USDA estimates oilseed production at record level In its latest May issue, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimated global oilseed production in 2024-25 at a record level of 687 million tons (previous year 658 million tons). Compared to the previous year, the increase is +4.4 %. Consumption is estimated at 671 million tons. This results in…


USDA: Global oilseed market situation in 2023/24 hardly changed from the previous month Global oilseed production in 2023/24 is estimated to be unchanged from the previous month at 658.5 million tonnes. Consumption will increase by 1 million tonnes to 648 million tonnes. This means that stocks will only decrease insignificantly and, at 130.6…


COCERAL estimates the 2024 EU-27 rapeseed harvest at 19.13 million t: - 4.6% compared to the previous year. In its March 24 issue, the umbrella organization of European agricultural traders (COCERAL) estimates the EU rapeseed harvest at 19.13 million t (previous year 20.5 million t). This means a decrease of -4.6% compared to the previous year. The…


IGC corrects world soybean harvest 2023/24 - forecast 2024/25 The 2023/24 soybean harvest will be reduced to around 390 million t due to the weather-related adverse harvest in Brazil. Consumption is reset to a similar extent. This means that the supply situation changes only insignificantly. The IGC has issued a preliminary estimate for the 2024/25…


The 2024 rapeseed harvest in Germany remains below the previous year's level . The German Raiffeisen Association (DRV) has based on the Stat. Federal Office of December 22, 2023 for winter crops made a first rapeseed harvest estimate for 2024. The DRV has partly extrapolated the forecasts of yields per hectare using several years of experience. The…


USDA cuts oilseed market compared to previous month The latest USDA estimate of oilseed production for 2023/24 is somewhat more subdued than last month. Total production will be reduced by 1 million t to 658 million t. Global consumption remains unchanged at 648 million tonnes. Year-on-year production increased by 20 million tonnes to a record…

Press review

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Saskatchewan producers dodged showers to make some progress in the fields this past week, although planting is still behind the five-year average pace. Thursday’s weekly crop report estimated planting in the province at 56% complete as of Monday, up from...


Agriculture Canada has planted its first research plots of gene-edited wheat. The experimental wheat is being grown in a greenhouse at the Lethbridge Research and Development Centre. The goal is to produce spring wheat lines with greater ability to receive...


After experiencing delays due to rainfall in many regions, 56 per cent of the 2024 crop is in the ground. That’s up from 32 per cent seeded last week, but behind the five year average of 76 per cent according...

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Denominierung / Currency
Euro (€)
Minimale Preisveränderung / Minimum Price Fluctuation
25 Euro cents per ton (€5)
Fälligkeiten / Maturities
September, December, March and June such that ten delivery months are available for trading.
Handelszeiten / Trading Hours

10:45 - 18:30 CET

Letzter Handelstag / Last trading day
18:30 on the last business day of the calendar month immediately preceding the delivery month.
Erfüllung / Settlement
Amsterdam, Rotterdam in The Netherlands, Antwerp and Ghent in Belgium.
Schlussabrechnungspreis / Final Settlement Price
EDSP as a physically delivered contract (please refer to the technical specifications)
Stand / Last updated

Further specifications

Any origin
Crude degummed rapeseed oil of good merchantable quality, guaranteed unbleached, produced from non-GM double zero rapeseed varieties as per EU regulations of sound, loyal and merchantable quality, all duties and taxies paid, and meeting the following specifications:
- f.f.a (as oleic acid, calculated on a molecular weight of 282) maximum 1.75%
- Moisture, volatile matter and impurities maximum 0.4%
- Erucic acid maximum 2%
- Flashpoint minimum 250°F (121°C)
- Lecithin (expressed in phosphorus): maximum 300 ppm

MATIF Rapeseed oil spot / futures market prices & news

The agricultural and stock market news for rapeseed, canola and the soy complex is updated daily. Price-influencing assessments by institutes such as the USDA are covered, as are strong market currents and political influences. The rapeseed quotations on Euronext (MATIF) are displayed in real time (sec.). Soybeans, soybean meal and soybean oil are traded on the CBOT and displayed by the ZMP neartime (approx. 10 min).

Rapeseed oil is obtained in oil mills by pressing or extracting the rapeseed. The following processes are used:

The oil content is about 40 to 50 %, the yield about one third of the seed. The remaining protein- and energy-rich rapeseed mass(rapeseed cake, rapeseed expeller or rapeseed extraction meal) is an important by-product and is mostly used as animal feed.

In the production of rapeseed oil, the black hulls of the rapeseed are removed before pressing so that only the yellow kernels are processed. This prevents the bitter substances from the seed hull from entering the oil.

With an annual production of around 25.2 million tons (2020), rapeseed oil is one of the three most produced vegetable oils worldwide after palm and soybean oil. In Germany, 3.8 million tons of rapeseed oil were produced in 2020.

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