EEX Liquid Milk (Frankfurt, DE) Prices

Price quotation Price in EUR per 100 kilograms
Kontraktgröße / Contract Unit
25,000 kilograms

Historical closing prices

ZMP Market assessment

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Milch News, 05/23/2024 Market Assessment
  • Milk peak soon to be reached
  • Rising international price levels
  • Good consumer demand
  • Asparagus and ice cream season
  • Relatively low demand from Asia
  • Milk peak is imminent
ZMP Market Report Compact

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2nd GDT auction in May 2024: + 3.3 % The second Global Dairy Trade (GDT) auction in May 2024 continued the upward trend of the previous auctions with an average increase of +3.3 %. The above-average results for normal butter provided significant support. The auction volume returned to 18,561 tons, as is usual for the season. Whole milk powder (VMP)…


1st GDT auction in May 2024: + 1.8 % The first Global Dairy Trade (GDT) auction in May 2024 confirmed the upward trend of the previous auctions with an average increase of +1.8%. The results for whole milk powder and normal butter provided significant support. The auction volume returned to the usual seasonal level of 19,231 tons. Whole milk powder…


GDT auction in April 2024: +2.8% The first April 2024 auction of Global Dairy Trade (GDT) offset the price decline of the previous auction with an average of +2.8%. Whole milk powder and normal butter make a significant contribution to this, sometimes with significant price increases. At 18,737 t, the auction volume continues to decline as is usual…


GDT auction March 2024 repeats in negative territory The second March 2024 auction of Global Dairy Trade (GDT) continued the price decline of the previous auction with an average of -2.8% . Whole and skimmed milk powder, with consistently high price discounts, play a significant role in this. At 19,655 t, the auction volume continues to fall, as is…

China's milk market 2024 Market Report Compact

China's declining import demand for dairy products is narrowing global price scope . China's import trade for dairy products is very important: in the case of whole milk powder, the middle country accounts for almost 50% of world trade imports, for skimmed milk powder it is almost 25%, for butter it is 22% However, in the case of cheese only 8% is…


GDT auction in March 2024: -2.3% The first March 2024 auction of Global Dairy Trade (GDT) broke off the price increase of the previous auctions with an average of -2.3%. Whole and skimmed milk powder make a significant contribution to this, sometimes with significant price discounts. At 21,235 t, the auction volume continues to decline as is usual…

Press review

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Saskatchewan producers dodged showers to make some progress in the fields this past week, although planting is still behind the five-year average pace. Thursday’s weekly crop report estimated planting in the province at 56% complete as of Monday, up from...


Agriculture Canada has planted its first research plots of gene-edited wheat. The experimental wheat is being grown in a greenhouse at the Lethbridge Research and Development Centre. The goal is to produce spring wheat lines with greater ability to receive...

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Denominierung / Currency
Euro (€)
Minimale Preisveränderung / Minimum Price Fluctuation
Minimum price change is EUR 0.01 per 100 kilograms.
Fälligkeiten / Maturities
A maximum of the following maturities can be traded on the EEX: The maturities of the current month and the next 18 consecutive calendar months.
Handelszeiten / Trading Hours

08:45 - 18:00 (MEZ)
last trading day until 12:00 CET
Exchange Trading: 08:55 - 18:00 (CET); last trading day until 12:00 CET

Letzter Handelstag / Last trading day
The 12th calendar day of the respective maturity month (if no trading day, the last trading day is the following trading day)
Erfüllung / Settlement
Cash settlement, difference between the final settlement price and the settlement price of the previous trading day
Schlussabrechnungspreis / Final Settlement Price
Status of the relevant EEX European Liquid Milk lndex on the last trading day 13:00 CET
Stand / Last updated

EEX Liquid Milk spot / futures market prices & news

As a subsidiary of Eurex in Eschborn, EEX offers financially settled futures contracts on dairy products and processing potatoes for clearing in the agricultural sector. There is no possibility of physical settlement on the EEX.

All products are settled financially at maturity (cash settlement). Reference prices that adequately reflect the value of the traded products are used for this purpose. These price indices also increase market transparency in futures contracts.

European Union

In trade within the European Union, only milk from cows may be referred to as "milk". In the case of milk from other mammals, the animal species must also be specified (e.g. goat's milk, sheep's milk, horse's milk or mare's milk, donkey's milk, yak's milk, camel's milk, buffalo's milk).[5] Accordingly, soy drinks are not labeled as "soy milk" in trade.

In the EU, there are numerous regulations relating to milk, such as the Milk Regulation, the Milk Quality Regulation and the EU Food Hygiene Regulation.

In Germany, milk is classified into commercial classes by the Milk Quality Ordinance. The criteria include the total bacterial count (low values indicate farm hygiene and good animal health), protein and fat content, freezing point (deviations indicate stretching with water) and inhibitors such as antibiotics, which hinder the further processing of the milk into yoghurt or cheese and lead to the farmer's delivery being stopped.

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