
US Pork Market Preview 2021

US pork market in 2021 with little favorable price outlook. In the latest monthly issue, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) published a forecast of the US pork market for 2021. The essential basis is the determination of the pig population with the reference date December 1, 2020. For the whole of 2021, an increase in production of almost 1% is expected. According to the results of the livestock census, a seasonal decrease in the first two quarters is assumed, which should be only slightly below the previous year's figures. A higher production volume is estimated for the 3rd and 4th quarter than in the same period of the previous year. Domestic consumption is expected to increase only slightly by + 0.4%. In particular, higher consumption figures are predicted in the second quarter. In the second half of 2021, a small decline is even expected. The average per capita consumption is 23.6 kg per US resident. Pork export is classified 1.7% lower to 3.25 million t compared to 2020.The main reason is seen in the reduced sales in China due to the increasing self-supply there. According to the USDA estimates, pig prices should remain below the € 1 / kg line. A certain recovery at the level of the last quarter of 2020 is predicted for the first half of the year, but prices are expected to fall sharply again in the last quarter of 2021.

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