Frit raw materials in France largely sold

Kartoffeln Cockpit, 07.04.2017

  • Small EU potato crop, low yield of small and damaged tubers
  • Stable sales for TK-pommes frites on the world market
  • Small stocks in Lower Saxony, Germany, United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands
  • Chip manufacturers buy appropriate French fries varieties
  • Farmers in the field instead of on the market
  • Brazil complicates EU Frits import
  • Gaps were filled with double use varieties
  • Significantly lower quality requirements of the processors than usual
  • Processors absorb only contract goods

Contract commodity stocks are smaller than 2016, there is but more dining ware

(AMI) - 1.58 million tonnes of consumption potatoes were the barns of farmers end February 2017 not particularly full. Last time, the stocks were still slightly in the drought year of 2012/13. Since late January, farmers delivered especially frit raw materials. Potatoes were less in demand. It changed the composition of the remaining inventories significantly compared to the previous months. The farmers are now mainly on potatoes, which must accommodate them at home and abroad. The reserves exceed that of the previous year increased by 139,000 tonnes 711.000 t. Also in the long-term comparison, this is quite a lot. While both domestic sales and exports declined tended to in previous years, so that fewer and fewer food potato stocks are needed. It is critical for the development of the price that only 159.080 tons have already been sold, is still a significant part of the buyer. Some observers see problems for the market in the summer to come to. Stock could hamper sales of potatoes if the qualities. Still, good sales opportunities for the export are seen but to Spain. There late early potato production in the area of Murcia, destined mainly for the domestic market.

Frit raw materials in France largely sold
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ZMP Live Expert Opinion

Neither supply nor the demand side pulses on the German market for French fries potatoes, it therefore remains very quiet is to come. There's virtually no longer free commodity – farmers have sold most of their crop and the few free games are held back for any bottlenecks. Meanwhile, the industry can meet their needs currently still good with contract goods and shows only little buying interest in free goods. Offering small but smooth finds buyer. In the frit raw materials prices not much has changed recently also. The national average slightly less than 20.00 EUR / dt come together. Otherwise it looks at the market for chips raw material, here is regeres buying interest for best Fontane and Markies. Soon the end of the current downturn in the potato commodity is heralded in May. The price trend during the week after above focused on the futures market and the Reka Rheinland recorded slightly higher margins upper limit on the first Friday of April. 21.00 21.50 and for innovator 22.00-22.50 EUR / dt were recorded for Fontane.

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