Trading activities on the EEX for the April-23 contract are increasing this Friday. Open interest has increased over the past few days and prices are again firmer at 29.90 euros/dt this afternoon. On the cash markets, the prices for processing potatoes are becoming more expensive. This price development is mainly supported by the interest in German processing potatoes from the Benelux region. Interest is particularly high in Belgium. Belgapom increased its listing for Fontane by 2.50 euros/dt today. The processors here are not only looking in Germany, but are also more actively approaching local producers. As the cultivation association Fiwap reports, the demand is greater than the small supply due to the harvest quantities. The market situation in Belgium is firm and robust. The market in France is also firm, but prices here have not recently increased. But market observers expect prices to rise here as well, as the factories are concerned that producers might be inclined to export tubers to Belgium or the south because of higher prices. Table potatoes remain unchanged in terms of price.The market development continues to be described as extremely calm. Export business to Eastern Europe has picked up speed. Due to small harvests, hardly any goods from Austria are available to Eastern European traders this year, so this group of buyers is reorienting itself accordingly. Farmers are increasingly relocating potatoes from storage areas because they tend to germinate here, but these quantities are not yet causing supply pressure.
ZMP Live Expert Opinion
The futures market indicates the price expectations: prices for processing potatoes are likely to develop more firmly as the season progresses. The demand from the old factories is still manageable, but Belgian processors are pointing the way. The food market is likely to remain balanced and calm as the month progresses. Although there is more and more pressure to outsource, these quantities do not yet lead to an oversupply.