Richard Ebert
Mitglied seit 10 Jahre 9 Monate

Orangensaft: Jetzt wieder long gehen ?

Fortsetzung der Diskussion: Aufwärtstrend im FCOJ (Orangensaft)


Orangensaft: Trockenheit treibt Preise - Teurer Vitamin-Lieferant

Von Alexander Busch, Handelsblatt

(21.03.06) - Gefrorenes Orangensaftkonzentrat kostet in New York so viel wie seit 14 Jahren nicht mehr.

(Quelle und ausführlich weiter lesen: Handelsblatt,

Bild entfernt.

Richard Ebert
Mitglied seit 10 Jahre 9 Monate

NYBOT Announces Amendments To Its FCOJ And NFC Daily Trading Limit Rules And Licensing Rules

(21.12.06) - The New York Board of Trade® (NYBOT®) announced today amendments to its Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice (FCOJ) and Not From Concentrate (NFC) daily trading limit rules and also licensing rules:

Pending CFTC approval, effective with the start of trading on January 2, 2007, the Exchange is implementing amendments to its FCOJ Rules and NFC Rules. The amendments provide that all futures contract months for FCOJ and/or NFC shall have an expandable 10 cent per pound daily trading limit. The amendments also provide for a trading suspension following a limit up or down move in the Lead Month, which is defined as the futures delivery month carrying the most open interest. The amendments also clarify the definition of reaching a limit and state that all questions with respect to these rules and their implementation shall be determined by the Settlement Committee.

Pending CFTC approval, effective on December 29, 2006, the Exchange is implementing amendments to its FCOJ and NFC Licensing Rules to provide the requirement that each FCOJ Licensed Facility be under any one of three inspection regimes: USDA Continuous Inspection; USDA Quality Assurance Program inspection; or Florida Quality Systems Certification program inspection. This requirement replaces the current requirement that such facilities be under USDA Continuous Inspection. This amendment applies to FCOJ Licensed Facilities only as there is no inspection requirement for NFC Licensed Facilities.

The amendments also make explicit in the Rules the requirement that each FCOJ and NFC Licensed Facility must as a term of its license provide an on-site laboratory that is accepted by the USDA for purposes of USDA performance of grading and testing of product on loadout under the respective contract rules.

For a copy of the NYBOT rules, please visit the NYBOT website at

Mitglied seit 10 Jahre 9 Monate

Haben haben wir die Misere...



Freeze wipes out oranges, produce across California

By Los Angeles Times

As much as 70 percent of California's $1 billion orange crop has been destroyed by record cold temperatures across the state over the past few days, officials and farmers said Monday.

It will take days to make a full assessment of the losses. But the state's top agriculture official said Monday that damage appears to be greater and more widespread than in the freeze of 1998, which destroyed $700 million worth of produce across California. The state produces about 30 percent of the oranges in the U.S., second only to Florida.

"This cold incident will surpass the 1998-99 freeze," said A.G. Kawamura, secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture.

Losses, while greatest in the San Joaquin Valley, seem to be spread throughout many parts of the state typically immune to freezes, he said, "from San Diego to the Central Valley to the coast."

In addition to citrus fruits, growers are reporting damage to leafy greens, avocados, strawberries and blueberries, Kawamura said.

Some farmers are reporting 100 percent damage to their crops, and many others say well over half their produce is destroyed, he added.

Consumers could feel the impact in prices at the grocery store, said Toni Spigelmyer, spokeswoman for Sysco, the largest U.S. food-service distributor.

"We've lost about 50 percent of the orange crops, had significant losses on lemons, and it's going to have an effect on vegetables," Spigelmyer said. "Basically, what we're going to see is a tighter supply and much higher prices."

But the damage will have little effect on the price of orange juice because most of the oranges used for juice come from elsewhere.

The cold snap is particularly insidious because it has lasted twice as long as normal winter blasts and plunged temperatures below 25 degrees, essentially making night warming efforts by farmers futile.

"The trees are looking sad," Nelsen said. "They're normally a vibrant green color with these bright orange dots all over them. Now the leaves are curling, and they're turning yellow. They're really stressed."

Avocado farmers say this weekend was the most damaging in 16 years.

Guy Witney, of the California Avocado Commission, said the frost could not have come at a worse time for avocado farmers. Only 5 percent of the $350 million crop was picked before the weekend, he said, meaning that most of the fruit was still on the trees and vulnerable to the cold.

Santa Paula Canyon avocado farmer Richard Pidduck said the stems on his avocados are turning brown, a sure sign of failure. When cut open, dark veins running through the fruit indicated the first signs of decay.

"My avocado crop was a total loss," Pidduck said. "That is several hundred thousand dollars lost from what is just a small family farm."

Damage to Ventura County's $1.2 billion agricultural industry was extensive, said Earl McPhail, the county's agricultural commissioner.

Besides wiping out citrus and avocado groves, the temperatures damaged the winter strawberry crop just as it was going to harvest.

Throughout the state, citrus growers were voluntarily holding back fruit that was exposed to the cold so that it can be inspected for damage, officials said.

Oranges and lemons might look undamaged from the outside, but freezing alters the fruit inside so it is no longer juicy, said Nancy Lungren, a state Agricultural Department spokeswoman.

Material from Bloomberg News is included in this report.

Copyright © 2006 The Seattle Times Company


Mitglied seit 10 Jahre 9 Monate

Na dann kommt jetzt hoffentlich endlich Bewegung in den Markt was meinen Strangle freuen würde.

Gruss Sebastian

Mitglied seit 10 Jahre 9 Monate

@ Sebastian [#84]

Hatte gerade bei der news an Dich gedacht und die damalige Idee - hattest Du das auch gemacht ?

gruss hans

Mitglied seit 10 Jahre 9 Monate

@ he96 [#85]

Ja das war ich.

Gruss Sebastian

Mitglied seit 10 Jahre 9 Monate

@ Sebastian [#86]

Supi - gerade mal nachgelesen, dann müsstest Du ja 210er mai calls haben. Mit den news sollte doch ein paar Tage LIMIT_UP drin sein. Die IV schiesst in die Apfelsinenbäumchen, ehmmmmm in den Himmel. Könntest (zum richtigen Zeitpunkt) ein paar HÖHERE CALLS zu der dann tollen IV dagegen verkaufen....

let us know

gruss hans

Mitglied seit 10 Jahre 9 Monate

@ he96 [#87]

"Könntest (zum richtigen Zeitpunkt) ein paar HÖHERE CALLS zu der dann tollen IV dagegen verkaufen...."

Genau. Das hatte ich oben schon beschrieben um dann am besten eine Free Trade draus zu machen.

Gruss Sebastian


@ he96 [#87]

Der Frost ist nicht das Problem, sondern ob die Früchte anschliessend so schnell abgeerntet werden können ohne das Sie zu faulen beginnen.

Kommt immer auf den Grad der Reife an.

Wäre nicht die erste Kathastrophenmeldung die im Frust endet. Mal sehen wie der Markt tatsächlich reagiert.


Mitglied seit 10 Jahre 9 Monate

@ Walter [#89]

Da haben wir den Salat :-))


gruss hans

Mitglied seit 10 Jahre 9 Monate

Offenbar hat jemand vergessen dem Markt die bullische Meldung auch mitzuteilen :-)

Gruss Sebastian

Beschreiben Sie bitte Ihr Anliegen, damit wir uns auf den Rückruf vorbereiten können.
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